Can You Eat Eggs if You Have Diabetes?

The American Diabetes Association believes that eggs are a good food option and a great source of protein for people with diabetes.

However, the relationship between egg consumption and the risk of diabetes from studies is not consistent. This is due to the high content of cholesterol, but dietary cholesterol doesn’t affect blood cholesterol as much as we might think.

Eggs are known as a strong source of protein. Other benefits include:

Collectively these nutrients are known to:

In general, eggs do have health benefits for your overall health, and they are also known to benefit diabetes patients.

Studies found that consuming eggs for breakfast is known to control the blood sugar levels of diabetes patients throughout the day. The study also found that those who consumed eggs and low carbohydrates had a stable glucose reading for 24 hours and lower blood sugar spikes.

Eggs have high amounts of cholesterol, so it has been advised in the past that people consume them with caution.

However, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn’t have such a large impact on blood cholesterol. It is the mixture of consuming fats and carbohydrates that create a negative impact on the blood cholesterol level.

Previous dietary guidelines suggested that people limit their cholesterol from food to no more than 300 milligrams per day. The current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans no longer recommends a specific limit, but instead emphasizes a healthy overall dietary pattern emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and lean protein sources. Such a diet will naturally limit cholesterol intake.

In moderation, eggs can be a healthy part of that diet. One large egg has 186 milligrams of cholesterol, with most of the cholesterol coming from the yolk. Egg white is a wonderful option for diabetes patients.

If you are a diabetic and want to consume eggs, the high protein content can be beneficial.

Protein is known to reduce the absorption of glucose. Along with the vitamins and minerals, eggs have a wonderful source of nutrients that help develop insulin and reduces the risk of disease.

When consuming eggs, the foods that you eat with them and how you prepare them is important.
